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Window condensation can seem like a simple fact of life. Sure, it makes it difficult to see outside, but it won’t do any harm, right? In fact, condensation can cause considerable damage under some circumstances, and it is a problem that should definitely be addressed. The moisture can cause wood rotting and wall damage that can spread down to the floor and do further harm.
Indoor window condensation is triggered by moist conditions inside the home during the winter months, and it is common here in the greater Raleigh, North Carolina area.
When window condensation is present, you know that the indoor air is excessively moist. This environment can cause damage to other parts of your home that are not in direct contact with the windows.
These are a handful of tips that you many want to consider if you have interior window condensation.
During the winter, the air in your home can become rather stagnant, and this can lead to moist conditions. If you circulate the air through the utilization of your ceiling fans, you should see a noticeable improvement.
Many people use humidifiers for one reason or another. If you are one of them and you see interior window condensation in the room with the humidifier, it is probably the culprit.
The thought of airing out your house when it is cold outside may not be very pleasant. However, if you bite the bullet a bit for a little while and open your windows and doors, the indoor moisture will dissipate.
You can purchase a dehumidifier to remove excessive moisture from the air. A lot of people use them in their basements, but they can also provide a solution if you have condensation in other parts of your home.
Windows qualify for the ENERGY STAR® label when they meet or exceed the established guidelines for energy efficiency. This recognition is granted to only the most advanced, energy-efficient products on the market. Home Craft Windows offers a variety of ENERGY STAR qualified products. Consult your window professional for the optimal glass package required for your home and climate zone.
If you would like to discuss any type of problems that you are having with your windows with us, we would be more than glad to answer your questions and provide you with solutions.
You can always send us a message through this website, and if you would like to speak with a knowledgeable team member, we can be reached by phone at 919-827-8789.
We will come to YOU to get the process started. To begin, we will measure all your windows and doors. Once your selections are made, we will give you a quote.
Before starting the project, we will take detailed measurements of your current windows & doors. We will evaluate the new sizes and scope of your project, so there are no surprises down the road.
Once your custom windows arrive in our warehouse, we will reach out and schedule an installation date. We pride ourselves on the speed and effectiveness of our in-house installation crews.
Years of guaranteed comfort, energy savings, and lasting beauty will be your new reality. It all comes with our HomeCraft Lifetime Warranty from your premier local window installation company!
For Window Installations and Replacement Windows, Doors, and Siding in North Carolina, Contact Us Today.
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